Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bring Food Education

My straight away quote on “Bring Food Education” may make you understand that the food education is important at present.  We show interest to teach many forms of education from childhood but many of us skip on Food Education. Now we are in the position to teach “Food and health knowledge” in school for our generation.  The Food Education in primary schools brings the dietary eating habits knowledge among children from young age.

We know about the good food ingredients and cooking methods from our ancestors but we do not bring it into use often as the food culture is changing day to day. The years go on like this, our traditional food culture will become extinct.

At this time of our dying food culture, giving basic food education helps the school children for their better eating and healthy long life. Through food education curriculum, we shall teach the knowledge of food ingredients and food products, how the processed foods are prepared and teach basic cooking skills. The aim of the food education is not only to make the children to be talented and skilled in food, but also to involve them to learn healthy eating habits. This brings the own interest in children to plan the food.

Food ignorance brings nutrition deficiency and health decline of children, so the involvement and inspiration of food in childhood helps to prevent food ignorance. Through the food education parents would address the food needs of the children. We often are glad and think that our children are healthy if they are chubby, so we offer choice of processed foods for their wish. Even though we aware of processing food’s harm, we go for the children’s choice. But this results in becoming fat or obese, or week. The healthiest and nutritious food feed for the children till 10 years of age is the fundamental supplement that leads to the later healthy life.

In secondary schools, many vocational education are offered to the students. We say that the offering Vocational Education are skill oriented programmes that offer high possibilities of placement. But there is no culinary art / Hospitality education in schools which has the top opportunity and guaranteed jobs by ever growing Hospitality Industry.  By introducing culinary education curriculum in secondary schools we engage and train the young people for the careers in the food Industry. In schools we lay foundation through basic skills in food education further proficiency they will obtain in higher education, so ultimately they become industry oriented people.

“Rather than saying Education will help us, we ensure that learning period of the education itself will help us” RAJ MOHAN

After thinking over all, Introducing Culinary Education curriculum in Schools is timely need now. Everyone join together and try ahead.

Huge love

Chef.Raj Mohan M.S

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